Friday, October 05, 2007
This Saturday we're going down to Brooklyn for a "Party for the People" in order to educate ourselves on the Brooklyn social justice scene. Maybe we'll see you down there. 1pm-9pm at The Yard located at 388-400 Carroll Street (between Bond & Nevins)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
We AFFIRMed our willingess to collaborate and ACTed.
What does LUCHA, GQ, immigrant rights groups, anti-war groups, AIDS centers, legal justice organizations, sororities like Omega Phi Beta, and Fraternities like La Unidad Latina, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, cultural organizations, Queer Union, and businesses like Beeing all have in common? They all work for a better tomorrow. They all see the interconnectedness of their related struggles. They are all willing to take a chance to start a new movement that can transform our society.
A Call for Activists! “If we always wait for injustice before we act we will forever be limited. For once the injustice subsides the movement is over. The movement can only grow to the extent of remorse and reform of the perpetrators of injustice. Such an approach abdicates our roles as responsible human beings and reduces us to that drop of water that bounces back after a turd has been dropped into the bowl, doomed to serve as a check on the system rather than a creator of it, afterthoughts perpetually contained to responses, but never freed for self-determination. But when we dream... When we dream nothing limits us but our creativity. We can put the nation right without being beaten to do so. We can fight for health care before we're sick, we can fight for a cleaner environment before the world melts, we can fight against police brutality before we're brutalized, we can fight to end poverty before we're poor. Let's become activists because we smell the stench in the world and have the vision and bravery to clean it up. Let's take AFFIRMative ACTion!” |
Through out the day hundreds of attendees were able to learn about a wide array of issues – some related to the Latino community, some related to the immigrant community, and some related to the Black community, however all related to our shared human community. People graffitied their vision of a better