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Tuesday, October 20, 2009


There will never be an "easier" time to make change. There will never be a time when it is "more comfortable" to engage in the process. It is not an act of convenience. You will always have a choice, a hard choice, between missing an event, a night out, a day at work, a class or sleep; and working to make change. Change won't fit neatly into your schedule between your eleven O'clock class and your two O'clock part time. It won't wait for you to finish studying. It wont suddenly appear when you have a white picket fence, two point five kids, and a dog named Bo. If that's what you're looking for, you maybe on the wrong website. Change may come slow...

Change may not come at all. But we work for it as if we expect it with the rising of the sun. And for all our successes or failures, ours will be a beautiful struggle. A struggle with earnest, tenacity, and love.

"There is never time in the future in which we will work out our salvation. The challenge is in the moment; the time is always now." - James Baldwin

Next meeting Wednesday October 21st, 6:30pm 114th & 8th Ave. at Society Cafe.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Register for "Affirm and Act: A Social Justice Party in the Park"

Register Your Organization HERE:

We have ambitious goals, we must have ambitious organizations with the audacity to work for big change.

  1. We're helping to make college affordable by starting 15 new scholarship funds.

  2. We're recruiting 100 mentors to mentor high schoolers on a weekly basis to help them graduate, get into college and pursue their careers.

  3. Our mentors will also facilitate 25 new youth councils where children will get an education that speaks to their issues. They will learn about social justice issues, take action to address them, and learn about federal, state, and local politics.

  4. Students should also learn about social justice issues in the school so we are drafting a mission statement that includes human rights and some aspect of community control. Community control just means that parents and members of a community should have some meaningful input as to what their children should learn.

Ambitious goals need ambitious people and ambitious organizations. Join us.

Register Your Organization HERE:

Transform America is a social justice coalition that fosters a permanent collaboration between non-profit, student, and community organizations which empower innovative and unprecedented change. Transform America is a non-profit organization registered in the State of New York.

We're looking for people who wish to make real progressive change. We are accepting resumes and cover letters for the following three positions. Credit may be provided by your school. Full descriptions are provided HERE

* Marketing and Publicity Assistant
* Recruitment Assistant
* Impact for Change Assistant

Please send resumes and cover letters to

chester asher
Transform America Regional Coordinator

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Give Us Your 2 Cents... We'll Ask for More Later

The Vote:

  • Political Education (Youth Council, Democracy Matters, Transform America, GQ, LUCHA, and C-Roots) 6 votes

  • Alternatives to college (Youth Council) 1 vote

  • Developing a purpose for the NYC Dept. of Education (Transform America, C-Roots) 2 votes

  • Making college Affordable (Youth Council, Democracy Matters, GQ, and LUCHA) 4 votes

  • Increasing Mentors and Counselors (Democracy matters, Transform America, GQ, LUCHA, C-Roots) 5 votes

Democracy is not something you put away for ten years, and then in the 11th year you wake up and start practicing again. We have to begin to learn to rule ourselves again.
Chinua Achebe

That is the power of what we are doing: Learning to rule ourselves. We activists, are deciding what WE think is important and making moves to manifest our ideals. We're not waiting for change to come, we're not just writing facebook notes, we're not just talking about how sad things are, and we're not just voting for Obama and hoping that he will come through on his speeches... We're developing Action Plans and following through. And we're doing it together.

As a coalition, we have decided that the 4 goals we will be working to attain are as follows:

1. Increasing the amount of counselors and mentors in NYC public schools.

2. Providing a political education to public school students in NYC

3. Making higher education affordable

4. Developing a mission statement for the NYC Dept. of Education

For any of the above objectives, what do you think could be done to help achieve these goals? What are other organizations, other people, or you yourself doing, that can help to achieve these goals? Transforming our educational system is a big goal. We're not going to do it by ourselves. Give us your 2 cents.

* Explanations
1. Bringing professionals and college students to the classroom to be counselors and mentors to high school and middle school kids so that students have someone to talk to about their futures and what an education can provide for them. This will also affect the demand side of education by increasing it because kids will see how valuable an education is.

2. Teaching students about the social justice issues affecting them such as healthcare and the economy as well as encouraging people to vote smart and be knowledgeable about the candidates and the political process. Getting high school students and young people involved in local elections, encouraging their candidacy in local politics such as the city council, and encouraging activism so that they themselves can create the type of change they wish to see in their communities.

3. To make college more affordable for prospective and current students as well as ensuring that students are aware of scholarship and grant opportunities.

4. The New York City Dept. of Education does not have a purpose or mission statement. We want to create a purpose and rally the students and teachers and parents around this purpose while at the same time increasing the demand side of education and getting kids to really want to learn and invest their time and energy into education.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Destination: A Better Education

The official vote of our Wing organizations, 5-1. A better Education in NYC will be our Destination or campaign. Now before we get to the question, “how?”, we get to the question, what specifically?
What specifically do we wish to change about education and why?

For example,

1. Should we make sure that students get political education about how to
participate in local politics, the political process, and the party system?
2. Should we make sure that colleges are more accessible by eliminating SATs and
reducing the cost?
3. Should there be more apprenticeship programs?
4. Should we fully reform the system in NYC by bringing back local community
5. And or Should NYC children be taught to look critically at current events?

Do not let "the how" determine what you think should change. Think freely. After we decide what specifically about education should change, then we'll delve into how we plan to do it. What do you think should change about education in NYC and why? weigh in at

Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm Tired

I'm tired of being crazy because I think that schools should promote scholarship and help to create kids that give a fuck about the world. I'm tired of being radical because I think people shouldn't carry guns. I'm tired of being an idealist because I think everyone should have enough food to eat. I'm tired of a world that isn't as tired as I am of oppression, deprivation, and human indignity. But I'm lucky, because I'm not alone. I think you're tired too. You're getting tired of the odd ball looks when you suggest that poor people should be able to own a home. You're tired of the dismissive sighs when you say that people should have fresh, nutritious, affordable food in their communities. You're tired of a world that doesn't live up to its own ideals.

Welcome. We're struggling to find answers. It will be a struggle, but a struggle we can engage in with our heads held high. Sign up, to help Transform America.

Join Now!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Coming to the Table... Together

Ever been to a conference? At NYU there are many conferences. In the black community the Gentlemen of Quality (GQ) have one intended to promote the advancement blacks in many aspects of American society including health, education, government, business, and family. The student NAACP has a conference on similar topics, and the graduate black organization, Students of African Decent Alliance (SADA), has another one aimed at again, many of the same goals.

Why not combine? combine our ideas, combine our passions, combine our thousands of dollars worth of budgets, combine our people power, our advertising power, our networks, our publicity efforts, our attendance, our intellects, our power and our influences?

The Gentlemen of Quality and the NAACP were open to the idea, the graduate program was not. "Undergrads are at a different point in their lives. This is tailored more to those already in the job market or about to be in the job market and the issues they have to face being black." There were undergraduates present when the president of SADA made these comments. The undergrads replied that they were interested. "Still," SADA continued, "the reception has alcohol and that may present a problem."

I'm sorry, but I thought the point of these conferences were to help make the type of lasting change that will enable equal access and opportunity to people who have been historically and systematically discriminated against. But alas, alcohol rears its ugly head. I guess they couldn't get armbands for those under 21, or just bar those under 21 from attending the reception or... dare I say, not have alcohol at all!

By the day's end Transform America was unable to broker a commitment to combine these conferences. We made some headway though. The groups agreed to try to put on a small collaborative project so they would get a feel for each other's operating style. they also agreed that they would support each other's conference by attending.

The two undergraduate organizations both attended each other's conferences. The undergraduate organizations and Transform America then attended SADA's conference. It was nice. About 60 people in attendance, a distinguished panel, a comfortable location, and of course... a filling reception with lots of alcohol.

The president of SADA is a very cool guy and as are many of its members. The crazy thing though, is that at this conference one of the panelists talked about how there should be greater unity in the black community, about how we should come together to support each other and build institutions. The panelist received a round of applause.

As this year comes to a close, the state of blacks in the work place, and at universities nation wide, or even city wide has not changed. Here's an idea. Maybe one reason for the maintained status quo is the status quo nature and mode of operation of the organizations who are responsible for changing it.

This is why Transform America's Wing organizations are so important. Organizations that are part of Transform America are open, they are attuned to the benefits of collaboration, and are ready to put their missions and their objectives above their organizational ego and pride. Out of the three organizations mentioned, only GQ is a Wing of Transform America.

We've done conferences, we've done protests, we've done letters. Let's try something new. Let's try flying together. Let's try seriously transforming how we operate in order to transform our society.

"I have a fool-proof method for controlling your black slaves. My method is simple, any member of your family or any overseer can use it. You must pitch the old Black vs. the young Black male, and the young Black male against the old Black male. You must use the dark skinned slaves vs the light skinned slaves, and the light skinned slaves vs. the dark skinned slaves. You must use the female vs. the male, and the male vs. the female. You must also have your servants and overseers distrust all Blacks, but it is necessary that your slaves trust and depend on us. They must love, respect, and trust only us."

Willie Lynch

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Process Power

I'm starting to realize Process Power. Process Power is the growth and transformation that occurs within the people and in society while they attempt to achieve big societal change. It's amazing and divine. Take Flight Schools for example. I thought they were to be aimed at changing our city and our nation; tearing down the walls of discrimination and greed; exposing the underside of individualism; and learning how to organize and create plans that will change different social conditions. What we arrived at was a study group that still has some of those aims, but that also seeks to transform the individuals who participate; a study group that tries to get its participants to be better people; a study group that dismounts from its high horse and tries to humble itself with some sense of truth.

I imagine Transform America will probably take the same route. Once written, it will be a story not only of the change that it created, but the people that were created through the process: The Process Power of true commitment to a better tomorrow.