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Friday, July 18, 2008

Destination: A Better Education

The official vote of our Wing organizations, 5-1. A better Education in NYC will be our Destination or campaign. Now before we get to the question, “how?”, we get to the question, what specifically?
What specifically do we wish to change about education and why?

For example,

1. Should we make sure that students get political education about how to
participate in local politics, the political process, and the party system?
2. Should we make sure that colleges are more accessible by eliminating SATs and
reducing the cost?
3. Should there be more apprenticeship programs?
4. Should we fully reform the system in NYC by bringing back local community
5. And or Should NYC children be taught to look critically at current events?

Do not let "the how" determine what you think should change. Think freely. After we decide what specifically about education should change, then we'll delve into how we plan to do it. What do you think should change about education in NYC and why? weigh in at